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Seedlings are growing in the nursery bag. As the hands of the old woman and the hands of t


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Hi, I’m Jon

And I'm not an expert. Or a counselor. 

I'm a father of three amazing girls, a former pastor, and a current video marketing consultant. I really don't know the future of this site. It's beginning as a simple platform for me to tell my story of emotional and spiritual abuse and most importantly, the recovery process and healing. Let me be clear on this, I'm not "fixed" or writing from a place of perfection. I'm a work in progress like most other people I know. This site will grow to include resources to help those of you with abuse stories of your own. I'll be upfront about this, I don't have the time or expertise to personally help you, but I will list resources to those that do. Whatever your reason for coming here, just know you are welcome and invited in and understood. 

“Don't judge yourself by what others did to you.”

 â€• C. Kennedy, Ómorphi


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Thanks for submitting your story. Once approved, it will appear on the forum. To be considered for the "My Story" forum your story must be an account of abuse/trauma at the hands of church leadership. If you submit via this form and are just encouraging us, questioning us, or asking a question, we appreciate you taking the time to respond, but won't post it publicly. Thanks for understanding.


From Emotional & Spiritual Abuse

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